
に位置 50 ハノイのトラン·ティ·ストリート, このコーヒーショップは、アマチュアやプロのカメラマンのための出会いの場であり、. 4月にオープンしたこのカフェで 2014 by three amateur photographers Phan Van Cao, Tran Anh Tu and Nguyen Anh Tuan.

 The front.
The front.
The first floor.
The first floor.
The price for drinks is from VND25,000 to VND60,000 ($1.2-2.8).
The price for drinks is from VND25,000 to VND60,000 ($1.2-2.8).

Cafe for photography enthusiasts in Hanoi-4

The second floor.
The second floor.
Sitting indoors or outdoors you can look out on the street.
Sitting indoors or outdoors you can look out on the street.
The café is the venue of photography enthusiasists in Hanoi.
The café is the venue of photography enthusiasists in Hanoi.
The exchange and purchase of photos sometimes take place at the cafe.
The exchange and purchase of photos sometimes take place at the cafe.
This is a place for photography teaching activities.
This is a place for photography teaching activities.
The café also holds many contests for photographers.
The café also holds many contests for photographers.

ソース: VNE/VNN