Ханой предпринимает усилия по привлечению большего количества посетителей

Ha Noi’s tourism sector is taking a wide range of measures, including increasing the number of services on offer, improving the quality of services, and boosting links with other localities in an effort to lure more holiday-makers to the capital.

Ханой предпринимает усилия по привлечению большего количества посетителей

With its 5,000 historical sites, 1,300 traditional craft villages, and a large number of intangible cultural heritage forms and eco-tourism sites, Ha Noi is an attractive destination for tourists.

The city is planning to turn the Ba Vi-Suoi Hai site into a national tourist centre and develop community-based tourism in seven mountainous villages in Ha Noi’s outlying district of Ba Vi, Mai Tien Dung Deputy Director of the Municipal Department of Culture, Спорта и туризма, сказал.

между тем, traditional festivals in the city are to be linked with cultural and historical sites in order to form festive, spiritual and ecological tours. Community-based tourism will also be promoted in ethnic minority communities.

Недавно, Ha Noi diversified its tourism services. In addition to its best-known attractions, the city is planning to designate areas for the performance of traditional art forms.

The municipal authorities are working hard to promote the city’s image to international visitors. A tourist hotline was established to be able to respond to visitors’ needs effectively and promptly.

Ha Noi is ranked amongst the world’s top ten emerging tourist destinations and is one of the six must-see cities in Asia. The city aims to become one of the region’s major tourist hubs. В 2014, Ha Noi is expected to welcome 3 million international and 14 миллионов внутренних туристов.

Источник: ВНА